March 26, 2025

KCP&L 1-800 Phone Number – Customer Service Contacts

The 1-800 Toll Free Phone Numbers are Updated for 2023!

KCP&L 1-800 Phone Number

Customer Service & Contact: 1 800 KCP&L Phone Numbers.

What is the 1-800 phone number for Kansas City Power & Electric?
Speak to a live person/real human in customer support in seconds.
We have compiled a list of working Toll Free 1-800 customer support phone numbers for KCP&L.

Customer Service:(888) 471-5275 or (816) 471-5275

When calling the Customer Support number, you will hear the following automated respons. Take note of the options, especially which key to press in order to speak to a live person (if available).

  • :Thank you for calling KCP&L. There’s been a recent increase and reports of phone scams involving customer’s accounts. These often involve a caller posing as a KCP&L employee demanding the customer call a separate phone number in order to make a payment. Customers should only use the following numbers to contact KCP&L, 816-471-5275 or 888-471-5275.
  • Thank you for calling KCP&L. Don’t forget to visit our website,
  • To report a power outage, streetlight out, or other power problems, 1.
  • To make a payment or report a payment, 2.
    • Enter your 10-digit account number now.
  • To start, stop, or transfer service, or for construction-related requests, 3.
  • For billing, to enter a meter read, or for all other matters, 4.
  • To repeat these options, 8.

Emergency & Power Out:1-888-544-4852 (1-888-LIGHT-KC )

When calling the Customer Support number, you will hear the following automated respons. Take note of the options, especially which key to press in order to speak to a live person (if available).

  • Thank you for calling the KCP&L trouble reporting line.
  • For options in English, 1.
  • If you are not calling from a touch tone phone, remain on the line to speak your response.
  • I did not understand your response. Please try again. To report your outage, we need to know either the 10-digit phone number or the 10-digit account number for the location where the power is out.
  • To enter the phone number, say 1.
  • To enter the account number, say 2.

Special Payment & Billing: 1-888-471-5275 (816-471-5275)

Call Before Dig: Kansas 1-800-344-7233 (1-800-DIG-SAFE); Missouri 1-800-344-7483 (1-800-DIG-RITE)

More Information:

KCP&L 1-800 Phone Number – Customer Service Contacts @ – 2023 – 2024.

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2 thoughts on “KCP&L 1-800 Phone Number – Customer Service Contacts

  1. I live in the Grandview subdivision east of the High School on Bristol Ave. I just wanted to thank all the people who worked on Sunday to find the source of the outage to our subdivision. Thankfully it is no longer our HUGE Silver Maple in our back yard,
    that plagued us and the neighborhood for years!!!

    It was a day and a half before we got our service returned to us. There is no way to adaquately thank you for what you consider just doing your jobs. But I wanted you all to know you are greatly appreciated and not taken for granted.

    Thank you again?

  2. U have been calling for a week. The phone is automatically hanging up on me. This is poor customer service. I have a question about my bill.

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