March 24, 2025

Greyhound 1-800 Phone Number – Customer Service Contacts

The 1-800 Toll Free Phone Numbers are Updated for 2023!

Greyhound 1-800 Phone Number


Customer Service & Contact: 1 800 Greyhound Phone Numbers.

What is the 1-800 phone number for Greyhound? Below is a list of toll free numbers for the Greyhound Lines bus company. Numbers more likely to be popular are listed towards the top.

Fare/ticket and schedule information: 1-800-231-2222
Phone Menu Transcription: If you call the number above you will get the options below.

When calling the Customer Support number, you will hear the following automated respons. Take note of the options, especially which key to press in order to speak to a live person (if available).

  • Thank you for using Greyhound.
  • If I can help you plan a trip by telling you what time the bus leaves and arrive or how much it cost 1 now.
  • Otherwise if you are not planning a trip 2.
  • Make your selection at anytime, first I need to know where the bus is leaving from, using the letters on your telephone keypad please the key that contains the first letter of the city the bus is leaving from.

Assistance for customers with disabilities: 1-800-752-4841

TDD/TTY: 1-800-345-3109

Español: 1-800-531-5332

Web site support: 1-800-268-9000

Commercial Services & Corporate Travel: 1-800-440-7712

Greyhound PackageX: 1-800-739-5020

Unsafe Driving: 1-800-SAFE-BUS.

More Information:

Buy tickets online: 1-800-231-2222

More Information:

Fare and schedule information: 1-800-661-TRIP (8747)
Phone Menu Transcription: If you call the number above you will get the options below.

When calling the Customer Support number, you will hear the following automated respons. Take note of the options, especially which key to press in order to speak to a live person (if available).

  • Hi thanks for calling Greyhound I’m Gracie your virtual travel consultant.
  • If I can help you plan a trip by telling you what time the bus leaves and arrives or how much it costs 1 now.
  • Otherwise if you’re not planning a trip 2.

Hearing-impaired: 1-800-397-7870

Greyhound Courier Express: 1-877-GO-DOG-GO (1-877-463-6446)

More Information:

General Customer Service Inquiries: 1-800-739-5020

More Information:

Greyhound 1-800 Phone Number @ – 2023 – 2024.

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1 thought on “Greyhound 1-800 Phone Number – Customer Service Contacts

  1. I will never get on greyhound bus station ever again in life I have waited 2 hours over my time it was suppose to be here at 4 it didn’t show up until 6:10 greyhound is the worst way to travel you don’t care people have families to get and jobs you just want the money that is no way to run a business

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